Damage to our kidneys can either be temporary or permanent, and either way you most definitely do not want this to happen to your kidneys. Once our kidneys begin to fail, we experience a lot of symptoms that can be as subtle as a simple loss of appetite to even greater symptoms such as arrhythmias …
Renal Diet – Controversial Diet That Kidney Patients Should Know About
Renal diet is a highly recommended diet for patients having renal problems. It is estimated that only 25% of the total number of nephrons are necessary to maintain healthy renal function. That means that the renal failure system is well protected from failure with a large backup system. However, it also means that by the …
Renal Diet Guidelines
There is no one specific “renal diet”, only guidelines to help you control the levels of salts in your bloodstream through what you eat. The diet required for renal deficiency varies with each case, the severity of the malfunction, whether swelling is present, whether you are over-weight, what your blood electrolyte readings are, and whether …