The Best Diabetes Diet – The DASH Diet

Over time, many diabetes diet – that is, diets developed with a view to helping people with diabetes better manage their diabetes, have been developed, had their heyday and quietly passed away into sunny retirement. Many though remain strong and just as popular as when they were first introduced. But really, how effective though are …

Diabetic Foods to Avoid to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

A mere list of diabetic foods to avoid cannot be helping for a diabetic unless he has essentially the basic information about diabetes as a threatening disease. As you know, diabetes is the result of high blood sugar that develops in the body through the food intake. When there is poor insulin secretion or resistance …

Foods That Won’t Raise Your Blood Sugar

The foods that are most likely to cause increased blood sugar are those high in sugars as well as carbohydrates, as they are quickly broken down by your body and converted to sugars. Avoiding sugary foods and beverages will be crucial for maintaining a healthy blood glucose level.The Glycemic IndexNot all carbohydrates, though, will raise …