Sugar Free Dessert Recipes to Prevent Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, either the pancreas does not make enough insulin (insulin is a hormone that helps glucose to enter cells) or muscle cells are unable to use insulin properly. As the result, a diabetic patient has very high blood sugar levels. When the …

10 Simple Food Concepts Every Person Living With Diabetes Should Know

You know, I’ll bet you’ve heard or have seen all this stuff before. But pay attention anyway. It is good information. Most people living with diabetes that I surveyed, know what not to eat, but not always what to eat, or how to eat it. (combining proteins and carbs) Most all of those surveyed told …

Will The Mulberry Leaf Help Your Diabetes

The mulberry leaf is regarded as a “superfood” because its many ingredients have been shown to improve your health. Studies have proven this in many countries, including the United States, France, India and throughout Asia. Check out these related articles, too: What are diabetes reversal Superfoods? An Easy Way to Supplement Your Diabetic Diet Naturally …

Eggs Are a Useful Food to Add To A Diabetic Eating Plan

There are very few foods worthy of being labeled as a ‘superfood’ for people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Even less foods may be considered near-perfect inclusions to your diet. Eggs are an honorable mention, for they are as ideal a food for diabetics as you can find. Eggs are an interesting food choice. They …

Make Friends With Beans to Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels!

Despite pharmaceutical companies and University scientists spending millions of dollars every year in cutting edge type 2 diabetes treatments, an old-school food surpasses them all: the lowly bean. That’s right, a diet high in legumes is a must if you’re looking to reverse diabetes. While beans may not get the press reviews that new type …