Green Smoothies For Diabetes – Using Raw Food To Help Diabetes

Green Smoothies, For Diabetes? There is a lot of evidence out there that both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be improved or even cured by eating raw food. By raw food we are talking about fruits and vegetables. There is a lot of evidence of diabetics reducing or even eliminating their need for …

Diabetic Diet Tips – 5 Tips on What to Avoid and Include

Diabetes, being a threatening disorder of the body, should be kept checked for the variations in blood sugar levels. If not, the affected condition of the patient will become more aggravated. Ultimately, many problems will be the final result which can be turned towards right channel by following diabetic diet guidelines. Whether you are a …

Why High-Protein Diets Accelerate Loss Of Kidney Function

The problem with this dietary nutrient is the manner in which it is metabolized. The enzymes present in the gastrointestinal tract break down proteins into individual amino acids. They are further divided into nitrogen and non-nitrogen parts. The non-nitrogen parts are used by the body for the production of fat or glucose and the generation …

Renal Diet – Controversial Diet That Kidney Patients Should Know About

Renal diet is a highly recommended diet for patients having renal problems. It is estimated that only 25% of the total number of nephrons are necessary to maintain healthy renal function. That means that the renal failure system is well protected from failure with a large backup system. However, it also means that by the …

Diabetic Friendly Energy Drinks – Don’t Make This Common Mistake

ruly diabetic friendly energy drinks are quite rare when your standard is scientific fact. It is a big challenge for diabetics to find an energy drink that is 1) Delicious; 2) Able to work with the body to produce a natural, sustained energy; and 3) Made with ingredients that are scientifically proven to be safe …