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Green Smoothies For Diabetes – Using Raw Food To Help Diabetes

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Green Smoothies, For Diabetes?

There is a lot of evidence out there that both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be improved or even cured by eating raw food. By raw food we are talking about fruits and vegetables. There is a lot of evidence of diabetics reducing or even eliminating their need for insulin by following such a path.

Ultimately, the solution to all this is that you and everybody you know takes complete responsibility for their own health. –David Wolfe

Green smoothies are a tasty way to get the right nutrition into your life in the form of raw food, and for you to begin taking responsibility for your health. We present one example recipe here, broken down so that you can understand it.

Green smoothies are made in your blender so almost everyone will already have the tools to make them. Since smoothies maintain all of the fiber of the original ingredients and fiber suppresses blood sugar increase diabetics should have no problem taking this smoothie into their diet (ask your doctor if you are unsure).

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Analyzing Our Smoothie Recipe

The green smoothie we talk about here contains spinach, cucumber, celery, apples, and bananas. Let’s break it down:

  • Spinach high in nutrition but a very mild flavor. It’s both Popeye’s (and the ADA’s) choice for a super food. Spinach is loaded with beta-carotene, flavonoids, and provides powerful antioxidant protection. Spinach protects you from and fights against cancer, it helps prevent atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. It also has a low glycemic index and the American Diabetes Association calls it a diabetes superfood because of the healthful effects it has on that disease.
  • Cucumbers help fight both high and low blood pressure. They also contain a hormone needed by the pancreas to produce insulin and so have been found helpful for diabetic patients.
  • Celery helps alkalize your body, it protects against and fights cancer and tumors. Celery is a great anti inflammatory which will help take care of your aches and pains.
  • Apple: an apple a day keeps the doctor away is true. Apples help prevent and cure a variety of ailments. Apples are loaded with nutrition and because of all of their fiber do not cause blood sugar to rise when eaten. Antioxidants in apples get rid of free radicals which can cause cell damage which can lead to elevated blood sugar levels.
  • Bananas have high levels of B6 which help prevent developing type 2 diabetes. They fight cancer, help you maintain eye health, and the high levels of antioxidants protect you against chronic disease.

This Is Just One Of Many Green Smoothie Recipes (Find Tons More Online)

1 large handful of Spinach

1 Cucumber

3 Stalks of Celery

1 Apple

1 Banana

1 or 2 cups of water to taste.

Put the spinach in your blender first and use the celery stalks to push them into the blades (be sure to put the top on the blender after completing this step). When you have a smooth green mix you can start adding the other items. If you fail to do this you will find that the spinach will protect the other items from the blades and it won’t mix.

This is a great smoothie that really is good for about any condition because of all the antioxidants and other great nutrition but diabetics should find it particularly helpful.

Bonus Tip: I’d like to invite you to our website which was created to show you the value of raw foods and to provide you with everything you need to get started in creating green smoothies []. Come to our website and learn more about things to put into your green smoothie. That’s [] and learn more about the best ingredients to use, and find out about our smoothie eBook.

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