Breakfast and Brunch Vegan Recipes

5 Best Tomato Salads

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Fresh tomatoes make a delightful salad because of their appetizing appearance and color. In fact, when they are placed on a bed of green garnish, nothing can be more delightful. Tomatoes may be served whole on a lettuce leaf or they may be sliced. Then, again, they may be cut from the center into sections that are allowed to fall part way open. In any of these forms, they may be served with French dressing, mayonnaise, or any cooked salad dressing.


Six tomatoes, one-half cup of mayonnaise dressing, the crisp part of one head of lettuce. Peel the tomatoes and put them on the ice until they are very cold; make the mayonnaise and stand it on the ice until wanted; wash and dry the lettuce. When ready to serve, cut the tomatoes in halves, make twelve little nests with two or three salad leaves each, arrange on the dish, place half a tomato in each nest, put a tablespoonful of mayonnaise on each tomato and serve



(With Canned Tomatoes)

Rub through a coarse sieve one can of tomatoes; cover with cold water a half box of Cox gelatine and let it stand a half hour or more; then pour in enough hot water to thoroughly dissolve it; then mix with one full pint of the strained tomatoes; add a little salt; pour into small round moulds and put in a cool place to harden. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing.


Select perfectly ripe tomatoes, and peel at least an hour before using. Slice, and place on ice or in a cool place. Serve plain or with lemon juice or sugar as preferred.


Use one half small yellow tomatoes and one half red. Slice evenly and lay in the dish in alternate layers. Powder lightly with sugar, and turn over them a cupful of orange juice to a

pint of tomato, or if preferred, the juice of lemons may be used instead. Set on ice and cool before serving.

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